Prince of York

18 York St, Sydney NSW 2000

Head Contractor: Pinnacle

Size: 680 sqm

Photographer: Jude Watson

In a collaboration with Line Group, Black Sheep were engaged by Prince of York as part of a wider project team of designers and artists to create a multi-level, art infused bar and restaurant that not only caters for the immediate CBD workforce but becomes a destination for curious patrons looking for something a little different. From very early on our client wanted a venue that would stand out from the mundane, copycat establishments that the Sydney scene has to offer.

The project brief was to provide Sydney with a unique venue that bucks the trend of current food and beverage design by creating an edgy, art infused space that caters for everyone. Initial thoughts and mood board imagery revolved around a 70s Berlin aesthetic and our narrative captures the creativity and self-expression of the era, along with the charming rawness of the punk movement that helped define it.